Giving — Riverside Church

100 years of generosity…

Riverside has a long history of generosity dating back nearly one hundred years. Our current home, and the ministries it enables are only possible because of decades of generous giving.

If you want to hear more about our story you can watch this talk from our Foundations series in May 2024 which explains how we came to be in our refurbished factory site.

A vision to be good for everyone…

Our vision is to create a space and a community that is a positive influence in the lives of everyone we connect with, locally and online.

We are proud to be one of the very few fully inclusive churches in the UK, welcoming everyone without any form of discrimination.

If you are encouraged by our story and our ongoing ministry and want to support us, you can give financially by clicking the button below.

You can also set up a standing order, or bank transfer, by using our bank details below.

Thank you for helping us continue God’s ongoing story of generous love.


Account Name: Riverside Church

Account number: 72391767

Sort code: 40-16-11

If you'd like to ask us any questions about giving please email